I'll admit it. When I heard Wilco frontman Jeff Tweedy was partnering up with his 18-year-old son for a new project, it seemed like a cheap stab at novelty, a way to give his kid the rock band experience under his chaperoning duty.
If "Diamond Light Pt. 1" is any indication, though, this could the most interesting and engaging this he's done in the past few years. A six-plus minute jam of hypnotically syncopated drums at the hand of young Tweedy (excellent rap name if this doesn't pan out), guitar drones and the older Tweedy's sleepy vocals, "Diamond" is a track that ventures off the beaten path a payoff that's surprisingly great.
Spencer Tweedy's drumming really makes the whole thing so uniquely enjoyable. The kid's definitely got an irregular, but well-measured approach to the kit we'll hopefully hear a lot more of as his career progresses. Give it a listen below.
The collaborative project, eponymously named Tweedy will release a full-length entitled Sukierae on September 23 via dBpm Records. You can purchase a limited edition (and, admittedly, pretty awesome-looking) Diamond Light 10" vinyl here. Anyone who pre-orders Sukierae will get a free download of "Diamond Light Pt. 1" on Mon., July 21.